
Monday, February 6, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday! It's time for another week and I've got lots of craftiness planned. I'm super excited to share some new projects with you, and we may (hint, hint) have a giveaway tomorrow so be sure to check back in. 

So how did your week go? Did you get a lot of teaching done? I had some fun teaching the girls some cheers from my high school days and how to do a Herkie Jump (which was quite comical for the hubby watching his pregnant wife trying to lift her big ol' belly off the floor).  We had a great time and I'm amazed that I still remember all the words and moves. 

This week's challenge is to learn and use someone's name. We come in contact with so many people each day, some of them on a regular basis and we never take the time to learn their name. So learn who pours your coffee every morning or the person who delivers your mail day after day. Let them know they mean more to you than just the service they provide. It'll make you both feel good, I guarantee it!

Have a wonderful and crafty week!

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