
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Worms and Dirt

Last week my oldest turned 6. It's been a birthday tradition the past few years that I make the girls shirts with their new age on them. This year Lo very nicely asked for a matching skirt too. Typically I pick fabric with cupcakes and desserts on it for their birthday outfit, but Lo has VERY strong opinions on what she wants to wear and chose this bright and extremely colorful fabric. It's not what I would choose, but it suits her perfectly. The skirt pattern is the Girly Skirt from Pink Fig Designs. It's one of my favorites. It's very easy to make and the pattern goes from 6mo-10years making it well worth the money.
Her new doll Lilly Anna needed a matching skirt of course. (I'm hoping to finish the tutorial next week. I found a really easy way to make it that I never thought of and I'm excited to share it with you!)
One of the best parts about birthdays is the special birthday dessert. Our tradition is that whoever is celebrating their birthday gets to pick out the dinner and dessert. This year Lo wanted Italian sausage sandwiches and a "surprise" treat. I love that she wanted a surprise, it made it so much more fun for all of us. I was so excited when I found {THIS} recipe.

It's perfect for my bug and treat lovin' girl!

Worms and Dirt Brownies

  • Your favorite brownie mix and the ingredients listed on the box
  • Oreo Cookies
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • Gummy Worms
  • 6 (8oz) Wide Mouth Half Pint Jars (I couldn't find them easily and had the taller half-pint jars already. They ended up being HUGE desserts. It took my girls 3 days to eat them and they didn't even finish them. Next time I would probably do them in muffin tins and make them much smaller)
  • Preheat oven to 350 and spray the inside of the jars with cooking spray
  • Fill jars about 1/3 full with brownie batter. Bake for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean (Since mine were so tall they took MUCH longer. I just checked them every 5 minutes. It probably took 45minutes for them to bake). Place jars on a cooling rack until cool.
  • Remove lid and foil from canned frosting. Microwave for about 30 seconds or until pourable, but still thick. You can skip this, but I have found it's a lot easier to get frosting to spread neatly and evenly in a jar when you can just pour it in. Pour a bit of the frosting in each jar.
  • Immediately top with a handful of crushed Oreos and Gummi Worms
Lo was so excited for her special dessert. She said it was the best dessert EVER!
Nothing is better than an ooey-gooey, chocolaty dessert!

The girls can't wait until their next birthday, they're already asking for dessert surprises for next year! At least I have a whole year to plan!

Have a great day and thanks for checking in!!!

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