
Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Blogiversary and Goals for 2012

Today marks Hanging On By A Thread's one year Blogiversary!!! When I started last year I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I am surprised daily by how many of you check in to see what kind of craziness is going on. Everyone has been extremely supportive and I and so thankful for each and every one of you!!! 

I don't plan on making too many changes for 2012. There will be lots of crafting, cooking and general craziness. I'm going to bring back Make Over Your Monday. I think it's a great way to start the week and sometimes we all just need that extra bit of encouragement. As always, I encourage suggestions and comments. I LOVE hearing what you have to say! 2011 was a fab-u-lous year and I know 2012 is going to be even better! Cheers to you all!!!

As I mentioned on last New Years Day, I'm not big on resolutions, I'm more of a "goal girl." To me resolutions are open-ended, goals are more focused and measureable. I know, tomato, tomahto...but that's how I see it, so I have goals.

Here are mine for the year:
  1. Learn shirring-I know it's not that hard, but for some reason I just keep avoiding it!
  2. Get the Etsy shop up and running-Some of you may recognize that one from last year. It just never was a priority, but this year I really, REALLY want to get it going. 
  3. Start lifting weights 3 days a week. For the first half of 2011 I was really good at this, but as the year wore on it became less and less. I want my pretty arms back!
  4. Sew something for myself-I'm ALWAYS making things for the girls, it's my turn this year. 
  5. Turn this room into something magnificent:

It's our office/spare room/storage closest and it's time to turn it into something useful! (We've actually already started on this one. I can't wait to reveal it to you! The transformation is going to be fab-u-lous!)

What are your goals/resolutions for the year? Shout them out we want to hear!!!

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