
Monday, January 16, 2012

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday! How was your week? We had a fantastic weekend. The whole family took a trip to Chicago to visit our dear friends that we miss VERY much. It was such a fun time and went by way to fast!

Did you decide on your word for 2012? I finally settled on the word that I feel suits me the best. I've decided not to share my word. I like the idea that it is just for me, and I can meditate on it when I need to. Feel free to share your word if you'd like. If you still are searching, don't give up. It will come to you when you least expect it!

This week's challenge is a fun one. I'm hoping it will help melt away some of those winter blahs that might be creeping up on you.

This week the challenge is to do something silly. 
There's nothing better to put you in a great mood than to let yourself go and find your funny side. Children do it all the time and adults should do it more often.

Have a wonderful week and enjoy all the silliness that you uncover!


  1. I have my word....finally!

  2. I have a simple word this year....HYDRATE. I never drink enough water during the day. I am going to focus on drinking more water and green tea as well as experiment more with my juicer and do some green juicing!
