
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stuff Your Stockings

Stuffing stockings is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. For us it's usually trinkets that you totally don't need, but love to have. I always find nail polish, lip gloss, fuzzy socks and my favorite candy in mine. The hubby and I L-O-V-E spicy foods so there is usually a bottle of Cholula in there too. Before the hubby found out he was allergic to peanuts he could always count on a delicious jar of gourmet peanut butter from Peanut Butter & Co.

Their products used to only be available on-line but now you can usually find them at your local grocery store (check out their store locator to find them near you).

They have awesome flavors like White Chocolate Wonderful and Cinnamon Raisin Swirl, but our absolute favorite is this one:
So de-lish and oh so spicy! I used to use it as a marinade for chicken a lot-YUM! I miss it's wonderfulness! 

They make jellies and Fluff too and have a few different package for the peanut-butter-lover in your life!

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