
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ranch Oyster Crackers

For most people the holiday season signals the time to start baking. Not me. I think I've mentioned it before, I am NOT a baker. You need to be precise and exact. I'm more the "throw stuff in" kind of cook. I do have a few favorites that I "bake" each Christmas and I'll be sharing them with you as we start making them here.

Today I'm sharing a recipe from one of my favorite food groups, SNACKS! I could seriously live-off of snacks and appetizers. This one is super quick and easy to make. It's loved by grown-ups and kids making it perfect for any holiday get-together. You might want to make two batches because they go quick!

There are a ton of versions out there, I used {THIS} one. Feel free to throw in your favorite dried herbs or spices.

Here's what you need:
  • 1/4 cup Canola or Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Packet of Ranch Dressing Mix
  • 1 Teaspoon Dried Dill Weed
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • Salt to Taste (I didn't add any, I think it's salty enough without it)
  • Bag or Box of Oyster Crackers

Heat oven to 250 degrees.

Mix the first five ingredients in a large bowl. Then add the Oyster Crackers and stir to coat well.

Cook in oven for 15 minutes, gently stirring every 5 minutes or so. Allow to cool and store in a airtight container.

Make sure you have lots of holiday mints on hand...these give you FAB-U-LOUS breath...but it's totally worth it!!!

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