
Friday, December 30, 2011

Best Of 2011 #2 and Running Like A Girl

We're making our way to number one! This was one of my favorite Goodwill upgrades, mainly because the mirror was so ridiculously ugly to start! There's nothing more rewarding than taking a discarded, unwanted object and turning it into something wonderful!

Best Of 2011 #3

Goodwill Mirror Redo

Currently my garage is overflowing a bit with some wonderful Goodwill finds. It would be nice if the weather would cooperate so that I could do a little spray painting! (Don't you think there should be a limit on the number of 90+ degree days???) Thankfully last week we had a little reprieve and was finally able to get a few projects done.

When I saw this mirror at Goodwill my first thought was, "Wow! That is an UG-LY mirror!"
A plastic, gold lamé frame that was begging to be updated. It was definitely giving off a Great Aunt Tillie vibe!
At first glance it seemed a little pricey for a Goodwill find.
A little more investigating got me more excited.
See those screws on the back??? They instantly made upgrading this baby super easy. They allow you to actually take the mirror completely off so there was NO TAPING required when spray painting-LOVE IT!

As an added bonus there were even hanging hooks.
All the intricate curves and grooves proved to be a little challenging, but not impossible. I was a little worried about the paint adhering to the plastic, so first I primed the piece with Rust-Oleum spray primer. Then I applied SEVERAL thin layers of an antique white spray paint in a satin finish. I litterally used an entire can of paint. Elevating the mirror helped make sure I got all the nooks and crannies covered.
I LOVE the final product! It's the perfect accent piece for one of the many boring blank walls in our bedroom. 
The sconce-like shelves on the side are also Goodwill finds. They originally were black and received the same painting treatment as the mirror!

Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more spray-paint-friendly weather because I have quite a few projects that are waiting for me!

Linking to: Thrifty Decor Chick September Before and After


My New Running Obsession of 2011

This year was also the year of running. For the first time I kept track of my miles and I'm happy to report that I logged in over 600 miles for the year! WOO HOO!!! I also discovered a love for obstacle races. Nothing like pushing your body while getting covered in mud! I see many, many more in my future!

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