
Monday, October 10, 2011

Soup Week-Mama's Italian Wedding Soup & Chili Cook-Off

Despite the fact that it's been in the 70s and 80s here in Indy, fall is around the corner. I LOVE fall, the sweaters, falling leaves, crisp morning air and of course the soup! I love soup. This week I will be sharing a different soup recipe and ending with our virtual chili cook-off. I can't think of a better way to get ready for fall!

Today's soup is a family favorite. It's quick to make and the girls like it because they get to help make the meatballs. It comes from All Recipes and it is DE-LISH!

1 pound ground beef (turkey or chicken would work well too)
2 eggs beaten
1/4 bread crumbs
2 tables parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 1/2 quarts chicken broth (I prefer stock)
2 cups of spinach, thinly sliced
1 cup seashell pasta
3/4 chopped carrots
3 tablespoons minced onions

In a medium bowl combine ground beef, eggs, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, basil and onion. Shape into 3/4 inch meatballs and set aside (I like to make them the night before and refrigerate overnight).

In a large stockpot heat broth to boiling; stir in spinach, carrots, pasta and meatballs. Return to boil; reduce heat to medium. Cook, stirring frequently at a slow boil for 10 minutes or until pasta is al dente, and meatballs are no longer pink inside. Serve hot with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.

Chili Cook-Off
Every winter I search and search for a great chili recipe and every year I'm disappointed. It shouldn't be that hard! I've come to a solution: On Friday we will be having a virtual chili cook-off. Send your favorite chili recipes to and I will post ALL the recipes on Friday. Don't worry if you don't have a picture, it's not necessary we just want your most de-lish recipes!

Have a soup-er week and don't forget to send me your chili recipes!!!

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