
Sunday, October 2, 2011

I ♥ The Avett Brothers

We all have 'em...our favorite CD that we listen to over and over and over and over again. You never get tired of hearing it. I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers is my CD (I'm sure my co-workers can attest. Whether they wanted to or not, they know ALL the songs now!). I first heard them last summer when they opened up for John Mayer. Not only can these boys sing but they play a wide variety of instruments. They play the banjo, guitar, base, cello and drums. It's the kind of concert where you could just sit and listen to them for hours. You don't want it to end. They don't need all the fancy stage tricks, their voices and music are more than enough.

Last night I got to see them again as the headlining band (Truth and the Salvage Co. opened for them and they were great too!) and it was fabulous (and extremely cold). I wanted to share my favorite song from last night, Murder In The City. It was perfect-just Scott and Seth Avett sitting on stools with their guitars. It was one of the last songs of the evening so it was dark and only the spotlight was on them. It was beautiful.

My favorite line comes at the end: "Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that lets us share our name."

It still gives me the chills thinking about how great it was! I hope you like it!

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