
Monday, October 24, 2011

Ghosts Of Halloweens Past

Oh my has it been CRAZ-Y around here! I'm not sure how it happened but Halloween is almost here. As you may guess, Halloween is pretty special around here. We start planning our costumes in August and I usually make by kids lock in their choices by September so we can get to work. Usually we send out Halloween cards (pics of the girls in their costumes), but this year it doesn't look like it's going to happen (sorry family!). Somehow it's October 24th and I'm still frantically putting together the finishing touches. We're still not ready for the "unveiling" but I wanted to show you some of the highlights from the past few years.

We try our best not to purchase our costumes. First they are so ridiculously expensive and there is little fun for me in buying something already made. I like the challenge of taking what the girls pick out of a catalog and make it my own.

Last year Lo wanted to be a dog. She found a very cute (and super pricey) dalmatian in the Pottery Barn Kids magazine. We convinced NoJo to be Cruella Deville and we had the perfect duo.
Not to be left out Nate and I went as Dorothy and the Tor-Nate-Do
In 2009 Lo again found her must-have costume in the Pottery Barn Kids magazine. These two lil' cupcakes were quite the challenge. They were designed without a pattern and literlly put together with thread and glue. They were quite the hit that year and even won the costume contest at school.
I made this set a few years ago, before my sewing days. I used only foam, felt and a hot-glue gun.
One of my favorite costumes was my "Dora The Later Years" costume. I was Dora after she was too old to go exploring and couldn't find any work because she is always typecasted. She and boots had turned to drinking, smoking and a few other extra curricular activities that Nickelodeon wouldn't approve of (every good costume has a back story!). Of course when I was out with the kids and at work I was just regular Dora. To make my wig I hot-glued yarn to a wool beanie. The clothing was all found at Goodwill. I probably spent only $7 on the whole thing. The accessories were all borrowed from various toy boxes.
Those are a few just a few of my recent favs. Stay tuned for the reveal of this year's costumes!!!!

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