
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lo's First Race

Today was a BIG day for me Logan! She had her very first race! I'm not sure who was more excited, Lo or me! It was just so great to be sharing something I love doing with her! I hoping that running is going to be something she enjoys too and that we can run LOTS of races together.

Our day started VERY early! The whole family, despite the hubby's protesting, was up at 6AM! To expedite our morning I made everyone eggy sandwiches to eat in the car. Even though it was super early there were smiles all around!
The sun still wasn't up when we arrived at the worries our excitement was building and we skipped our way to the start!
We were VERY excited to have our friends join us today! I've recently recruited Amanda to running and  she's catching the "bug" too! She's already finished 5 mini-marathons in the past few years! Her son Caleb is the same age as Lo and today was his first race too!
We decided that NoJo was just a little too young, and WAY to feisty, to run today so she was the official cheerleader of the day.
She took her job very seriously!
The sun finally came out and it was time to line up.
So that no one would get lost on the 1-mile loop around the high school parking lot, we were lead by the race scooter.
I'm so very proud of Lo! She ran most of the way and really tried her best! We walked a little, but mostly ran and at times we even sprinted! Look how fast we were going!

One of the coolest parts of the race was that it ended where the 5K runners were lining up so as we crossed the finish line there was a HUGE group of people cheering us on!

Check us out! 13:28 which is 2 MINUTES FASTER than our training runs! WAY TO GO LO!!! (This picture makes me giggle a bit because as we cross the finish line I'm totally checking out our time.)
We did it!!!
The post-race festivities were just as fun as the race! We got to eat lots of yummy food while we cheered for the 10-mile and 5K finishers.

I'm always so amazed at how fast the winners are. The male 10-mile winner finished in under 54 minutes! That my friends is INSANE. It's about a 5:20 mile which is ridiculously fast, especially when you are running 10 miles. I actually saw him warming up before the race and totally called him as the winner because of what he was wearing. It was around 50 degrees and he had on a tank-top and tiny shorts. It's always the people with the least amount of clothing, despite the weather, that win. The men's 5K winner came in around 16 minutes. Again, super fast. The man that came in second actually ran the 1-mile race with his 8-year-old (who won and came in around an 8 minute mile-WOW!) and had enough time to do the 5K too! He finished around 17 minutes. (The top women came in around 22/23 minutes which isn't super fast and with a little more training I think I could totally win...competitive much???)

The overall consensus was that today was SUPER-DUPER FUN! I asked Lo if she would do a race and she said, "Of course, but ONLY if it's 1 mile...only 1 mile Mommy!" It's a deal! You know I'll be hunting down every 1-mile race in our area and working our way to our first 5K!

Thanks for checking in with us today! I really hope we inspired you to get out and run! The way to a healthy and active lifestyle can start with just one mile! As I told Lo while we were running, it doesn't matter if we win. What's important is that we got out there and did it!

I'm so very proud of her!

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