
Friday, September 2, 2011

Four Things On Friday...

That make me smile!

1. It's Friday and I DON'T HAVE TO WORK! Daycare is closed so this crafty gets a day off of work and gets to spend it with the lil' one being crafty, crafty, crafty!!!

2. I got a super great deal at Goodwill yesterday. I had been eyeing these matching bedside tables. At $19.99 a piece I thought that was a little high for Goodwill, but they were perfect for our bedroom. I headed over on my lunch break and pulled the tags immediately. I ran into a friend who suggested that I talk to someone about the price. I showed the cashier a similar bedside table that was marked for $14.95 hoping I could get $5 knocked of each table. She countered with a move I didn't expect, "I'll give you the tables for $9.99 each, but you can't return them." Ummm...YES PLEASE! Two tables for the price of one definitely makes me smile. BIG THANKS to Angie for encouraging me to ask about the price!

3. Last mini-marathon is tomorrow! I'm going for a PR (personal record) and really hoping that the weather is going to cooperate. All of the sudden it's supposed to be ridiculously hot and humid. Not a great combination for an asthmatic runner (who also has a broken toe and strep throat!). Despite the bleak forecast (and less than stellar health condition) I'm super excited! I ran the same race last year and really enjoyed it. The course is super-flat and there aren't too many runners so you don't have to weave around a ton of people to get a decent time. My friend Amanda is running with me and is also going for a PR so.....GOOD LUCK TO AMANDA!!!!

4. It's a carb-loading day! Almost the best part of running races! There will be pretzel bagels from Einstein for breakfast and tons of spaghetti and bread for dinner. Yum, yum yum!

I hope you all have at least four things today that make you smile! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and thanks for checkin' in!

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