
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warrior Dash Recap and Giveaway Winner

My stats:
Total time: 39:26
Pace: 13:03
Overall place: 1681/6773 (top 25%-yay me!) 
Age group place: 38/401 (top 10% baby!!!)
One of the most disappointing things about the Dash was that we didn't have our own personal photographer like we did for the Mudathlon. I'm REALLY  hoping that there are a few "official" photos of me in the mud pit and jumping over the fire. 

I think one of the best parts of obstacle races is the unknown. Sure you can look at the course map ahead of time, but it never gives you the full picture. Compared to the Mudathlon there was A LOT more running. The obstacles actually gave you a chance to catch your breath. The hubby and I ran the whole way, and each time I passed a physically-fit-looking guy huffing and puffing I gave myself a little pat on the back.

The running consisted of a lot of steep hills, making going up or down not a easy task... 
As far as obstacles there were very tall walls to climb up...
...and down...
cargo nets...

streams to cross...
tire yards to maneuver through...
and of course the fire to jump over...
and the large muddy mud pit at the end...

We started out with our friends Clark and Christy, but they are much faster than the hubby and I and they quickly shot ahead of us. They finished a full 6 minutes before we did! Christy placed 2nd in our age group-so proud of her!!!
Like all good warriors we rewarded our hard work with some yummy grub!

So would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!!! I'd definitely train a little more and remember to take my inhaler before-the dust and hay really sent my asthma into full throttle. If you haven't tried obstacle racing I HIGHLY recommend it. There are so many out there at all different levels of difficulty. You're bound to find one to fit your level of competition so check it out!!!

And now for our giveaway winner....

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