
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sounds of Silence

Things have been quiet in Bloggerland the past few weeks. Have you noticed? A few of the blogs I follow regularly have mentioned it too. I think everyone is settling into their new schedules. I know we haven't been too crafty here the past few weeks and I thank you for being patient. I've been tackling the less glamourous tasks of cleaning and organizing, but have some fun projects to share with you in the next couple weeks.

Today the most amazing thing happened here at home. It was quiet! It was the most amazing soundless sound. It hasn't been this quiet in a LONG time. I was so productive. I cleaned out 3 closets, my desk, and the crafty corner-All in one afternoon. Than never happens!

While I was getting my organization on, Noa was enjoying her own little heaven. She has been loving having me and the house to herself. No one is taking her toys, no one is telling her what and how to play, no one is tattling on her-she has free reign. She sat and colored on her "desk" all afternoon.

Oh how I love her!

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