
Monday, August 29, 2011

Make Over Your Monday

Happy last Monday of August! I hope you are all getting into the swing of things. We're adjusting well to our new schedule with Lo in school everyday and I am AMAZED at how much I can accomplish with only one little one at home!

So how did you do on last weeks challenge? Did you get organized? I have to say I totally rocked this one!

This was our pantry...

...and here's how it looks now! So pretty! If you're wondering where all the "stuff" went the answer is: the trash. It's amazing how much unneeded things were being stored in one tiny closet!

I even made some money...
Since I was on a roll I attacked my desk too. Before...
...and after...
I also cleaned off my crafty station, but was so in cleaning mode that I forgot to take pictures. You'll just have to trust me that it's clean!

This week's challenge comes from I Am Momma Hear Me Roar. I loved the idea and knew it would have to be my next Make Over Your Monday.

The challenge: Leave sticky notes with words of encouragement in random public places.

I really hope you choose to participate and share your notes. It will be a lot of fun to hear where notes ended up. Maybe you'll even come across someone else's note!

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

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