
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kindergarten Round-up

 As some of you know yesterday was a big day for me Lo.
Yup, that's right, my baby is all growed up! She was so very excited about starting kindergarten that it was almost too hard to be sad. She has been counting down the days, and yesterday morning she practically flew out of bed.

She had her first day outfit all picked out right down to the matching headband, earrings and painted fingernails.
We walked to the bus stop and for those who know me well I'm sure it's no surprise that we were the first ones there...but it's a good thing we were because the bus arrived about 5 minutes early! Lo would have been devastated if we would have missed it.
Noa quietly slipped on her sister's backpack hoping that she could sneak on the bus unnoticed. To her dismay we noticed!
The bus arrived and she hopped right in like she had been doing it all her life. I admire her bravery. I myself an not very comfortable in new situations and I'm grateful I haven't passed along that trait to her.
I was very brave. I didn't shed a tear, mainly because there was no time to. It was all so quick! As the day wore on I started feeling a little sad. I missed my baby and so did her sister. I am now the proud owner of my very own mini shadow. I think it's going to take us all a while to find our groove.

She came skipping off the bus with a huge smile proclaiming she had a great day!

The highlights were:

  • Meeting the principal "She's a GIRL Mommy!"
  • Seeing her friend Abby in the cafeteria
  • Learning the song, "Who rocks the house? The bears rock the house and when the bears rock the house they rock it all the way down!" We've heard it a million times today.
Nothing makes this mama happier than a first day full of smiles!

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