
Sunday, August 14, 2011


It's 10:07....PM

I've been up since 6:35...AM and have been going all day.

This is the first time I've sat down today.

I am TIRED...but not too tired for a Mike's Hard Lemonade...or two

I had big plans for you today. I wanted to share with you my experience at the Warrior Dash, but as it sometime does, life got in the way. Both the hubby and I needed to run 11 miles and that took up about 4 hours of our day since we have to switch off running and watching the girls. Then there was marketing to be done and I had a HUGE crafty project that I've been working on all week that FINALLY come to a close at 9:35pm tonight!

Tonight I'm giving myself a break. I'm going to sit on the couch, have a drink and watch a little TV.

Tomorrow we'll be back on track.

What's coming up this week?

  • Make Over Your Monday
  • The big reveal of the Cave re-do at work
  • Lo's first day of Kindergarten 
  • A de-lish recipe (or two)
  • The Warrior Dash recap

I'm also extending the Love Vase giveaway one more day. You now have until 10pm Monday night to enter {HERE} and the winner will be announced Tuesday morning.

I hope you had a great weekend and found a little time to relax yourself!

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