
Friday, July 8, 2011

The Tradition Continues

I love traditions.

I think it's the planner in me-I love knowing what to expect. I love the kind that come about from the blending of families through marriage, but my favorite are the ones that just happen.

Two years ago Lo had her very first ballet recital. Her favorite thing about the whole event was getting her bouquet of flowers after her performance. This was my absolute favorite picture from that day.
A year later I decided to recreate the same picture. She's even in front of the same tree. It amazes me how in just one year she grew up so much.
This picture was taken a few weeks ago at her last recital. She's totally lost her toddler-ness. She has turned into a smart, beautiful, caring and determined girl right before our eyes.
This year NoJo was FINALLY old enough to take ballet class too. She had been watching from the sidelines the past 2 & a half years and she was ready!

And the tradition continues...
What are your favorite traditions?

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to make me cry?!

    I can't believe it's been 3 years since that 1st pic of LoLa!

    Glad you're not posting a yearly 'tradition' pic of me.

