
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Makin' Things Easy and Annoucements

Happy Sunday!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend & aren't melting too much! It's so very H-O-T hot here in Indy that we have taken up permanent residence at the pool! I plan on being there until September.

I made a few changes to the blog this weekend...did ya' notice???

There are two new features to help you navigate around here a little better. There is now a "search bar" on the top right corner of the blog. Hopefully this will help you find your favorite posts a little easier. I've also combined all my tutorials into one place. There is now a tab at the top of blog where you can find links to all my tutorials. These two changes were based on suggestion from readers. I want to make my blog easy to navigate through so if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I will be adding a few more tabs this week; one for recipes and another with links to some of my favorite blogs.

And now for our announcement...

I'm having my very first theme week!!!

It's going to be five days of wonderful summer drinks. I even have my very first guest blogger lined up too so make sure you check in every morning for the drink of the day! 

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