
Monday, July 25, 2011

Make Over Your Monday

Happy Monday all!

Have the heck have you been??? It's been awhile since we've checked in with one another. I hope you liked "Drink Week." It was a ton of fun for me and I'm hoping to have more theme weeks in the future. I'm happy to take any suggestion that you may have, so feel free to send them my way.

A few weeks ago our challenge was to let things go. How did you do? I'll admit I struggled with this one a bit, but I did my best and I think I did pretty well.

This week's challenge is:
Maybe there's a difficult recipe you've been wanting to try, or a sewing project that's been on your to-do list for way too long. No project is too small. Can't wait to hear about all the new things you try and if your "something new" is crafty related I'd love to see a picture!

1 comment:

  1. Love this one! I'm going to use this as my motivation to try making my own blueberry jam!
