
Friday, July 15, 2011

Italian Ice

I have the PERFECT summer treat for you! We were first introduced to these little cups of heaven on the 4th of July and EVERY day since then my girls have been BEGGING to make them! I'm pretty sure they ate 8 cups each that night (and I may have had 2 3 4 5 myself!). I have consumed 3 while writing this post! Seriously, they are so yummy!!!

3 cups of fresh fruit (we used raspberries, blackberries and blueberries)
1 cup of orange juice
1/2 cup of sugar

1. Wash, peel and chop the fruit as needed to blend easily.

2. Put all the fruit in the blender. Add the orange juice and sugar.
3. Cover and blend until smooth

4. Pour the fruit mixture into a large pan and freeze for 4 hours. Also put a medium bowl in the freezer for later.

5. Break the frozen fruit mixture into chunks with a wooden spoon. Then put the chunks in the chilled bowl and beat with an electric mixture until smooth.

6. Spoon the fruit mixture into paper cups (We used small Dixie bathroom cups. They make the perfect kid-sized frozen treat.) and freeze again until firm. (As you can see we are pretty messy cooks.)
7. Watch the smiles appear!

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