
Monday, June 27, 2011

Make Over Your Monday

It's hard to believe it, but it's Monday again! It's also the last week of June, is anyone else feeling summer fly by?

Were you able to find some time for yourself this week? I did something that I haven't done in FOREVER-I took a nap-TWICE! They were wonderful, I felt so refreshed after. Even though both my kids nap, I find it so hard to use that two hour window for something that I don't consider productive. It's the time of day where I usually get so much done...laundry, dishes, meals and planning for the week ahead. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and burnt out lately and desperately needed time to recharge. I was amazed at how great I felt and how much better our evening was. Every once in awhile I need to remind myself that in order to take care of others I must first take care of myself!

This week's challenge is to do something nice for someone else with out them knowing. It can be for a friend, a neighbor, one of your children or even a total stranger. Let's spread some lovin' around this week!

Have a wonderful week and I'd love to hear about how you did on last week's challenge so send me a comment (I love to get 'em!!!).

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