
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Homemade Mozzarella Sticks

You MUST make these. I am using all my restraint to continue typing this post instead of running to the store and getting the ingredients! Really, they are that good! My girls I totally inhaled them!

Seriously, MAKE THEM TODAY!!!

(Making these brought me back to my 8th grade cooking class where for our "free cooking" day we tried to make mozzarella sticks and instead started a grease fire on the stove. I've come a LONG way baby!)

These wonderful bundles of yumminess come from Taste Of Home. (Did I mention that you need to make them TODAY?!?!)

Mozzarella cheese sticks
Egg Roll Wrappers (**you could also use wonton wrappers and cut the cheese stick into 3 pieces for a bite sized snack)
Panko Bread Crumbs (optional but makes it so yummy!)
1 Egg, beaten (optional)
Oil for Frying

Wrap each cheese stick in a Egg Roll/Wanton wrapper. Dip your fingers in water and seal the edges.

**Optional but a wonderfully de-lish step** dip each wrapped cheese stick in the egg and then roll in the Panko bread crumbs.

Heat approximately 1/2 inch of oil in electric skillet or heavy sauce pain to 350 degrees.

Fry a few sticks at at time for 30-60 seconds on each side until golden brown. Drain on paper towel serve with marinara sauce or ranch dressing for dipping.

Enjoy the yummy cheesy goodness!


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