
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Last year, as a family, we decided to eat healthier and make better choices not only about WHAT we eat, but WHERE our food came from as well. We have made a conscious effort to try to support our local growers and farmers.

We planted our first garden. Celebrating in every blossom and relishing every bite.

We visited our local farmer's market weekly not only to get the most wonderfully tasting fruits, veggies and breads, but to get to know those that grow our food as well.

I've researched worm (yes, worm) composting and rainwater harvesting.

I've learned to can foods.

I've LOVED every minute of it!

At the start of our journey I read and was inspired by this book:
It's an autobiography of the Kingsolver Family and their year-long journey as they ate only foods they grew/raised or made themselves (like cheese...thanks to this book I totally want to make my own cheese!) or came locally. They have two daughters who also contribute thoughts on their experience. Their youngest wanted her own horse so she started her own business by selling eggs from the chickens she raised. It's an amazing, and at times humorous,  story and I highly recommend reading it. While their lifestyle was somewhat extreme (and requires a level of dedication I don't have) I think it inspires you to start making small changes. It's all about baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. that is so funny, i was on facebook and saw the small picture of the tomato in the garden. I read the words miracle and thought oh my gosh, that is a fricken miracle if she has a tomato in her garden already!!!
    then i read the blog entry :)
