
Monday, May 23, 2011

Makeover Your Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

How did you do on last week's challenge? I really enjoyed it. I decided to write a note to a very special family I have been blessed to get to know the past few years. They are amazing, strong and an example to all of us. I wanted them to know how wonderful they are. Like I said last week, I really feel that writing your thoughts and feelings in your own handwriting just emphasizes them. It's something that I'm going to really make an effort to continue.

This week's challenge is to be patient. As a mom I feel like I say, "You need to be patient" about a million times a day to my children but I often find that I need to take my own advice. So this week let's be patient. Patient with our children (my goal for the week), our spouses, the car in front of us as we rush to work, the slow internet connection, and just life in general. This week we stop to smell the roses. We'll check in next Monday and see how we all did.

Have a great week!

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