
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Chickie Diaries

Our leaving for Spain was VERY hard on my oldest. I knew it would be difficult but I didn't know how devastated she was going to be, begging me not to go and the tears. Oh the tears! We could have floated away in her tears. She ended up doing very well with Nana and Poppa (as we knew she would), but before I left she gave me Chickie so I would have something to "remember her by" if I would forget her! Chickie had a wonderful time and documented her trip for Lo (The plan is to make the "Chickie Diaries into a photo book for Lo. She will love it!). 

(She even drew a picture of Chickie so that SHE would remember Chickie while she was in Spain...I can only imagine the emotions of this child when she is a teenager. WE ARE IN TROUBLE!)

The Chickie Diaries
Dear Diary
Today we are leaving for Spain. I've never actually flown in a plane before. I'm a little nervous. It's a pretty long flight.

Check-in went smoothly and I had no problems getting through security.
Woo-hoo! I got bumped up to first class! Now that's flying in style.
Flying is tiring. I needed to take a little nap so that I'd be perky for Spain.
Our plane landed in Madrid but our hotel was in Valencia so we took a super-fast train.
The Westin is very nice. Our room has a cute little patio outside where I was able to relax a little.
I thought I had my own private swimming pool, but Lo's Mommy explained what it was for. I promise you I did NOT swim in there!
Before I could go out on the town I needed to change my dollars for Euros

Our first night in the city was the Falles festival. There were so many people out! We ate dinner at an outdoor cafe. They had the best Paella EVER!
After dinner we walked around some more and checked out the Falles statues. Some of them we enormous-taller than a 4 story building. Lo's mom had to hold me up so I could see them better.
We slept in really late the next day. I was a little jet-lagged. I so needed my caffeine! I really wanted a Diet Coke, but Coca-Cola light would have to do!
Later I FINALLY was able to get internet access and check-in on Facebook and catch up my on emails.
The streets here are really narrow. All the cars are super small. I haven't seen on SUV or minivan the whole time we've been here. A lot of people ride scooters. I thought it would be a great way to see the city.
Another night, another out door restaurant. Lo's mommy had eggs with potatoes, roasted garlic and wonderful strips of thinly sliced ham on top. De-Lish! She also had a wonderful pitcher of Sangria!
Hot chocolate in Spain is YUMMY! I was in a chocolate induced coma for 3 days
Yep, I went back the next day for more!
Towards the end of the week we moved hotels. The good news is that the new hotel is by the beach. The bad news? It was rainy and windy.
The even better news? Paella by the beach is even better!
All in all it was a great relaxing trip. I had lots of fun and got to see so many wonderful things, but I can't wait to get home and see Logan!