
Monday, April 11, 2011

100 Days and A Giveaway

Wow my 100th post! So excited and so thankful for all of you! Seriously big thanks to each and every one you for stopping in each day. I've thoroughly loved the first 100 and I look forward to the next. As a special treat for all of you I'm hosting a little giveaway this week!

The winner will be selected at random and will be able to choose from a $25 gift certificate to my home-away-from-home, Jo-ann's or this cute drawstring bag.

You have 3 ways to enter and can chose one or triple your chances and pick all three.

  1. Be a follower of my blog and let me know by commenting "I'M A FOLLOWER"-Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
  2. Tweet, Buzz, Facebook, Blog...or whatever you crazy kids are doing these days...about "Hanging On By A Thread" let me know by sharing the link in the comment section below.
  3. Tell me what you love about this blog and what you'd like to see more of. You are what keeps this blog going so I want to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
Please make sure that each entry is a separate comment.

**No entries after noon (EST) on Thursday. Winner will be selected by random and announced Friday morning.  A few people were having trouble adding their comments so I have extended the contest until Thursday at 6pm (EST). Winner will still be announced Friday morning.


  1. I'M A FOLLOWER! I read your blog EVERY day!!!
    Wow!!! I can't believe you're already on your 100th post. That's awesome! And how cool of you to have a giveaway. Keep up the great work!

  2. I'M A FOLLOWER! Thank you Kimberlee for posting such great, fun, crafty ideas! You inspire me to be a fun mom!

  3. AND I want to win so I'm making a seperate post to tell you I love your crafty ideas. Thanks for telling me about Pink Fig - I went to their website and ordered "the girly skirt" pattern and plan to make some soon! Keep up your posts just the way they are! I like the variety of recipes, crafts, pictures, and funny stories!

  4. I just FB statused you. Check out my wall! :)

  5. I've been a follower but just made it official. OH...and I just posted your blog on my wall! I'm not interested in winning or anything! ;)

  6. I adore you're goodwill finds! I love seeing what you make out of it!

  7. I'm a follower! I check in to your blog every day. I love it and wish I could be half as crafty as you are.

  8. Of course I'm a FOLLOWER!! EVERY DAY!!!

  9. I love seeing your crafty posts...but I want to see more FOOD posts too!!!

  10. What I love most about your blog is the VARIETY! I love seeing all the crafties you do with your girls, I love hearing about your Goodwill finds, I love how your posts about your running inspires me, and of course I love your recipes too!

  11. I've been sharing your blog constantly! My friends LOVE how crafty you are and the tree/handprints are going to be Mothers Day presents for the Mom's I babysit for.

  12. I have followed you from the start

  13. I would like to see more running blogs...just kidding. I love your crafts even if I am not at all crafty.

  14. I AM A FOLLOWER!!!! I love learning how to do your crafty stuff...I will be doing a lot of them this summer. I want to see more food recipes, I need all the help I can get!! lol

  15. I AM A FOLLOWER! I love the kid crafts and the goodwill finds. You make everything seem so simple!

  16. More goodwill finds! And recipes please!

  17. Recipes...PLEASE!!!

    Can't wait to see who wins!!

    I thought I only had thru Tuesday to post...That's why I asked if you picked a winner yet!! AND that's why I am posting again!!!

    <3 you!!

    Did I mention that you look pretty today?!?!

  18. I am a follower. I like to be crafty, but sometimes I get bogged down with laundry, cleaning, and other things around the house. You inspire me to get out my box full of "stuff", sewing machine, and get crafty! Thanks! Karin

  19. I FB'd about you too! Love love giveaways!
