
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Peep Mania-Peep Bunny Bunting

Apparently I have Peeps on the brain.

I saw this tutorial on MADE a few weeks ago and knew it would complement our Peep Sunflowers perfectly! The scary part is that I actually had all the materials I needed in my crafty closet...really who has yellow Peep colored felt on hand!?!?! I may need a fabric intervention VERY soon! I even mixed red and green paint to make brown for their faces...that's how this crafty girl rolls...we don't head to the crafty store with two children unless we absolutely have to!

This could easily be done without sewing using hot glue, but I like how it turned out with the stitching.It was a little tricky keeping everything from getting twisted in the sewing machine, but by the third Peep I got my rhythm down.

I just LOVE their little faces!!!

It's a Peep wonderland and it only took one afternoon to make!

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