
Friday, February 11, 2011

Sniff...sniff..Can someone please get me a tissue?!?!?

Thursdays are our worse worst (FYI grammer and spelling were my worst subjects in school, but I think I got that one right...) night of the week...everyone gets home late and we all have to be up very early the next day. Now that Lo is getting older she has homework and other projects she needs to work on. Last night wasn't any different. We had homework, thank you notes and Lo also needed to address her Valentine's Day cards for her friends at school.

I snapped these pictures while she was diligently finishing all her tasks so she could watch TV:

Something about her just made me so sentimental. She's sitting there working so hard on her homework...eating her snack all grown-up like.

It won't be long before she's asking me for the keys to my car...

Preferring to spend time with her friends over snuggling with me on the couch...

Calling/thinking about/giggling over boys...

Borrowing (without asking of course) my clothes/shoes/jewelry...

Rolling her eyes, telling me I don't understand...

Applying to colleges far, far away...

Getting married and moving far, far away...

Okay...I can't think about that heart isn't ready to think about that right now...

Deep breath in...deep breath out....find your happy place...ahhh...there it is...

And then there is my NoJo. She's growing up too fast too. Miss independent who doesn't want help with ANYTHING...she had her own "homework" last night. She had to decorate her Valentine's Day box. She had so much fun!

WHERE HAVE MY BABIES GONE?!?!?! (Please excuse me while I go cry in my pillow!)

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