
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good Friends and Baby Cuddles

Please meet my new boyfriend! Lil' Q! I finally got to meet him and I am totally and completely smitten!

I was able to sneak away to Raleigh this past weekend for a visit with Q and his Mama Aly. So much fun!

And you know I didn't show up without something cute and crafty for my new BF!

Check out these cute onsies I made with freezer paper stencils.

Every little boy needs a Star Wars T-shirt.
Lil' Q is named after his daddy and three daddy's before him so he is a 5th!
(Get it? It's the Roman numeral for 5...hee...hee...I LOVE it!)

While I was there I got to check out the Raleigh Flea Market. So very cool. There were so many things that I wanted to take with me, but clearly wouldn't fit on an airplane. I took pictures of some of my favorites to share with you.

There were a lot of random odds n' ends. I wanted to take a can of spray paint to so many things.
You know about my love/hate relationship with Diet Coke...I REALLY wanted these!

This was hands down my FAVORITE thing we found. It's a double pram. Definitely a collectors item. The seats were wooden and there were even little belts to keep the little ones safe.
This carriage was great too and in almost perfect condition.
What crafty girl wouldn't want this in her house???
Ironing must take FOR-EVER with this ironing board!
The man said this tricycle was over 70 years old.
Always remember to wear you antique top hat when selling antiques.

It was a perfect weekend catching up with a dear friend and getting lots of new baby snuggles!

The best part of my weekend???
Coming home and finding this waiting for me:

It always feels good to know you've been missed!!!

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