
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Day At The Museum

We've had some really unpredictable weather here in Indy. Sunny one minute and thunder and lightening the next. Not wanting to risk it, the girls and I decided to head to the Children's Museum for some fun!

The Barbie exhibit has been there for awhile, but we never get tired of it! It's appealing to girls old and young.

Lo loves the dress up area and walking on the catwalk.

While the "models" are strutting their stuff the paparazzi can get in on the action too!

Nojo's favorite part is the hair and make-up area.

There is also an area where you can design your own Barbie Fashions.
I LOVE seeing all the Barbies they have on display. This is one of the original Barbies, still in her box and with all the original accessories.
This one is made entirely of Swarovski pretty and sparkly!
We also got to check out the new Dora and Diego exhibit.
There were so many activities for the girls to do. Lo's favorite was the animal rescue center where you get learn about different animals and take care of them. As a future veterinarian it didn't surprise me she loved it so much!
It was a great place for the girls to play and be silly!

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