
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You Had Me At Curry

Curried Chicken Salad

I've been wanting to make this recipe for awhile. I'm not a huge fan of chicken salad but add curry in there and you've got me interested. The original recipe was posted on Tasty Kitchen. It was de-lish today, but I can't wait to try it tomorrow after the flavors have had some time to develop.



  • 1 whole Rotisserie Chicken
  • 2 stalks Celery
  • 3 whole Green Onions
  • 1 whole Carrot
  • ¼ cups Mango Chutney (or apricot jam)
  • ½ cups Mayonnaise
  • ½ cups Canned Mandarin Oranges
  • 2 teaspoons Curry Powder

Take the meat off the bone of the chicken; chop or shred. Finely chop celery and green onion. Julienne the carrot. You could use a peeler, grater or mandolin slicer. The idea is to get small, thin pieces of carrot. (I grated mine with my microplane)

Combine chicken, veggies and the remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl.

Chill and serve.

**I substituted chopped apples for the Mandarin Oranges and added cumin and more curry powder because I like things spicy** 

Mango Chutney is found in the "International" aisle in the grocery store, usually with the Indian food. My jar looked like this:
It was great on toasted wheat bread but would also be fab-u-lous on top of crackers.

So good!!!

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