
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Freezer Paper Stenciling

Lately I have come across quite a few tutorials on using freezer paper for stenciling. I've seen it used on shirts and bags, even pants. I loved that most of the supplies were already in my crafty closet and it's a project that the girls could do with a little help. I couldn't wait to start making my own stencils!!!

Here's what you need:

  • Freezer Paper
  • Matte Fabric Paint
  • An Iron
  • Cardboard for inside the shirt when painting
  • Sponge Paint Brushes
  • Craft Punches 
  • Exacto Knife

Use your exacto knife or craft punches to make your desired shapes. You can also trace your design onto the freezer paper and then use the exacto knife to cut them out. So many ways to let your creativity shine!

Layout the shapes on your fabric where you want them. Freezer paper has a shiny side and a dull side, place them shiny side down on the fabric. I used my washable fabric pen to help mark placement.

Use your iron to attach the freezer paper to the fabric. Make sure all the edges are  sealed.

Paint over the stencils. Make sure not to go outside of the freezer paper. You may need 2 or 3 coats of paint to get the look you desire. Let the paint dry between applications.

If you are impatient like me you can use your blow dryer to speed up the process (Yes, I have a pink blow dryer. I have two girls, practically everything in our house is pink!)

Once the paint has dried completely CAREFULLY peel the stencils off of the fabric.

Following the instructions on your fabric paint, cover the paint with a pressing cloth and heat for approximately 30 seconds (without steam) to seal the paint.

Admire your work! 

I was so impressed how clean all the lines were. It really looks close to a silk screened shirt! We are going to have so much fun stenciling!

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