
Friday, March 18, 2011


My name is K and I’m addicted to bird fabrics and prints (…and buying fabric…and Diet Coke…and wine…and my iPhone…)

I don’t think I’ve ever met a fabric with birds, owls or trees that I didn’t like. I can’t explain my addiction; I just know it’s there.

When my friend showed me this print at Joann’s a few weeks ago it was love at first sight.
Our dinning room is a light purple Venetian plaster and for years the window has been bare. I could never find the right window covering.

Until now.

The bronze and gold compliments our entryway and the black outlining looks amazing with our dark furniture. It couldn’t be more perfect!

The fabric was $20.99/yard on sale. I needed roughly 6 yards costing me $125.94 for the fabric alone. A pretty pricey set of curtains, but really…it’s BIRDS!!! You can’t put a price on birds…can you?!?! 

But even for birds I had to think about it.

And I’m glad I did…

My super shopper friend contacted me the next day with the best news ever! She found 8 yards of my fabric on Ebay for $30 TOTAL. I couldn’t believe it. That equals $3.75/yard-totally unreal for a gorgeous home décor weight fabric. I never would have thought to check Ebay for fabric, but you can bet I will from now on (somewhere my hubby is cringing at the thought of me finding another place to covet and purchase fabric)

The best part? I’m going to have about 2 ½ yards left over to make bags, pillows and more bags. The crafty possibilities are endless!

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